Social Support Groups meet weekly at locations across the Canterbury Bankstown and Georges River areas, and a twice weekly Community Outings program.
Our groups give older people the opportunity to meet others who speak the same language, share their cultural background or share a common interest. They celebrate cultural events, share their culture with others, learn more about Australia, and participate in outings.
Our staff and volunteers are drawn from many different communities and speak many language including Arabic, Cantonese, Greek, Italian, Mandarin, and Vietnamese.
Group Activities
We support our groups to keep informed, keep active and celebrate our cultures:
We arrange information sessions with guest speakers to keep our groups informed about services for older people, including; Centrelink, Road safety, local library and community services, MyAgedCare, the National Disability Insurance Scheme and presentations on healthy lifestyles.
We encourage our groups to keep active and organise programs that help to maintain balance and basic fitness.
Our groups celebrate a range of cultural and community events during the year including: Christmas; Lunar New Year; Moon Festival; the Seniors Expo; International Women’s Day; Harmony Day; and Melbourne Cup.
Our Program
Getting to Groups and Getting Back Home
Our groups are supported by our transport team who ensure that members travel safely from their homes to participate in group activities. Our drivers play an important part in working with other staff and volunteers to ensure the success of our services.
Community Outings
Our Community Outings program helps clients to stay connected and independent by providing affordable and accessible outings in and around Sydney. Every Monday and Friday our bus leaves full of clients ready for a new adventure, whether that be all the way south to Kiama or into the City for the Vivid Festival, to a musical or to the Museum of Human Diseases at UNSW. We explore new places, learn new things and have fun. These trips are very popular and provide an opportunity to socialise and enjoy the company of other and to see places that you might otherwise not get to. We produce a quarterly calendar with input from clients and carers that gives clients a choice of outings.