Thank you Gardeners

Last week we had a small but lovely socially distanced morning tea at the community garden, with 18 gardeners attending. We wanted to say “thank you” to our lovely gardeners who have been working with us to keep the garden open in these uncertain times, and to celebrate our garden tidy up funded by the City of Canterbury Bankstown.  At the morning tea, old friends met again and were treated to refreshments and tea. We talked and laughed, and shared stories and information, happy to be out in the sunshine.

昨天阳光明媚,我们在社区菜园举办了一场小型却温暖、全程保持社交距离的早茶会。我们想对全体可爱的园丁说声“谢谢”,感谢他们的支持与配合,社区菜园才能够在疫情期间继续开放。同时,在Canterbury Bankstown市政府的资金支持下,我们对菜园进行了全面的清洁,举办早茶会也为了庆祝菜园的新面貌。早茶会上,老朋友们再次相见,配着点心和热茶,说说笑笑,交换故事,享受着阳光下的欢乐时光。

“Proudly delivering accessible, high quality
services in our community since 1974”

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